Due to the last twenty-one plus months, this author felt that the Canadian National anthem needs to be reviewed as a reminder of why people remained here, and why people come here; or at least it was. Below the reader will find the national anthem of Canada as provided for on the Government of Canada on this day of someone's Lord, January 3rd 2022. The words are available at (https://www.canada.ca/en/canadian-heritage/services/anthems-canada.html)
Only the English version will be used as French is not a language this author is well versed in. The lines of the anthem have been number for reference purposes.
Trigger Warnings: This author will not be kind in this comparison and some contradictions within the current zeitgeist that will be addressed.
English version
1 O Canada!
2 Our home and native land!
3 True patriot love in all of us command.
4 With glowing hearts we see thee rise,
5 The True North strong and free!
6 From far and wide,
7 O Canada, we stand on guard for thee.
8 God keep our land glorious and free!
9 O Canada, we stand on guard for thee.
10 O Canada, we stand on guard for thee.
Line 1: Okay the country has been identified and this is a good thing.
Line 2: Well there is a bit of contention on this point as what is the current definition of 'native land'? The current practice recognizing indigenous/native lands may cause some points of contention if it has not already.
Line 3: Is there still 'true patriot love' in the broader scope of Canadian society? Additionally, the term 'in all of us command' implies that the love for the country is inspired by the country.
Line 4: There doesn't seem to be many glowing hearts or a country rising at the moment.
Line 5: As there is snow on the ground in Ontario right now the 'true north' part is obvious in January, though the 'free' line has become somewhat suspect.
Line 6: This line is a duel edged blade in that Canada when it was born was created by the foreigners at the time, which is now considered a sin and yet there is an ongoing global welcome message for more foreigners who may change things and that is being applauded.
Line 7: It must be remembered that the national anthem was intended to be sung by all of the citizens of Canada. That concept and intent doesn't seem to hold true today.
Lines 8-10: While the personal person may not have the time to do this ten line review these tens lines in the mind of this author these ten lines must be front of mind for each and every politician.
The Analysis
It is important for the reader to understand that change is inevitable, think about this like being in a kayak in a river for it will move regardless. The kayak can be controlled to minimize damage to the Kayak and the anthem is a good place to start.
Canada has 10,100 elementary schools and Parliament sits for 135 days a year, surely with schools teaching music and song the parliamentarians can take a moment every sitting day to listen to kids sing the anthem. School submissions will be drawn by lot with disregard for quality.
The upside to this idea is twofold; the first upside is the children learn the anthem and the second is that while sitting the politicians will be reminded of Canadian values and to who they serve.
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