The Awkward Question of the Week (AQW): 2024
The purpose of this entry is to cause the reader to lift their head from their 'smart phone' and take a look around them at the world in a smarter way. Due to real world recurring events, there may be recurring questions or questions so similar that any distinction is without a difference.
It is said there is no such thing as a dumb question. Of course there are dumb questions, they are just the easiest to answer... Usually.
12/29/2024 - How small does your in-group need to be, such that said group is never wrong?
12/22/2024 - It has been said that being proactive is better than being reactive, if that is true then why do so many politicians and media personalities keep saying 'our hearts and minds are with the victims and their families' rather than working towards stopping said incident ahead of time?
12/15/2024 - Why do people accuse Jagmeet Singh on waiting until his pension is in place in one breath and then express anger that he drives a Maserati in the next one?
12/08/2024 - Who are the role-models/heroes for the youngsters of today?
12/01/2024 - Any Government is a system, that system can only spend taxpayer money thus forcing the question: can a system show empathy with other people's money without forcing a zero-sum game?
11/24/2024 - Are you willing to find out how many of your friends have buyer's remorse over who they did or didn't vote for last time around?
11/17/2024 - What happens next if the captured carbon being stored underground eventually turns into crude oil?
11/10/2024 - Is it enough, to just know the truth?
11/03/2024 - Is No Nut November (NNN) attempted murder by Prostate Cancer?
10/27/2024 - What is Justin Trudeau’s life purpose and how well has he answered
that call so far?
10/20/2024 - Does being born in a manger make every animal there a Jesus?
10/13/2024 - Has Italy's successful move to offload the processing of illegal migrants to a foreign country, now made Albania the new 'Australia'?
10/06/2024 - Somehow I missed a question on this date, does anyone know why?
9/29/2024 - Politicians need to speak from reason, so if Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned, then why are women allowed in politics? #NotAll
9/22/2024 - If Trump maintained his policy positions and then started identifying as a women, would you vote for 'her'?
9/15/2024 - When the concern of the law supersedes the concern for justice, is a culture in trouble?
9/08/2024 - Should those who seek reparations from their historic colonizers, abandon everything they gained via said colonization, or should they pay the bill for those things, retroactively?
9/01/2024 - During this Labour Day weekend in Canada, how is the compensation for your labour working out for you under the current government(s)?
8/25/2024 - To reduce the crime statistics, would you be in favour of abolishing the laws against rape, nonsexual-assault, theft, murder and obstructing traffic?
8/18/2024 - Is the Liberal Party of Canadian still a bunch of liberals?
8/11/2024 - Would all of the current politically left-leaning people be happy living in a left leaning country?
7/29/2024 - Has Islam become a present day colonial power?
7/21/2024 - Will the energy poverty created by climate-change policies result in more unexpected deaths than man made climate-change?
7/14/2024 - Can those who felt disappointment that Donald Trump's brains didn't decorate the crowd, honestly expect anyone to believe they respect: the will of the people, the voice of the people and power of the democratic vote within their republic?
7/07/2024 - Will inflation devalue the currencies of the open-border countries to the point were they can no longer support the border of Ukraine?
6/30/2024 - Did the interruption of Toronto Pride signal the start of the end of homosexual acceptance in Canada through demographic and theological replacement?
6/23/2024 - Are the expansionist and colonizing actions of those who follow the religion of 'submission' proof positive that 'misery truly does love company'?
6/16/2024 - How has diversity/multiculturalism impacted your society's terra firma?
6/09/2024 - When ‘history is written by the victors’ is considered a truism by the radicals, is there any tool they will not use to take down Chesterton’s Fence towards ensuring a flattering self review?
6/02/2024 - The Pride Month signalling is weak this year, are the companies and governments now catering to a different demographic?
5/26/2024 - In multi-cultural countries where every culture is equally valid and respected, how can anti-Semitic, Islamophobic, sexist, or homophobic rhetoric be considered as a stain on society when it is simply cultural enrichment?
5/19/2024 - Can you believe in personal agency, personal freedom, property rights, and government supported unrestricted immigration all at the same time?
5/12/2024 - Do you know how many rockets Hamas has launched from Gaza into Israel since Oct. 8th 2023?
5/5/2024 - Do feminists truly want absolute equity of outcome?
4/28/2024 - Are the young women on social media seeking 'Likes' spending their beauty in a similar way to how a lottery winner spends their winnings?
4/21/2024 - What would be the political outcome of Israel returning the administration of Gaza Strip to Egypt?
4/14/2024 - Do you feel that it is beyond the pale for a petty tyrant trapped within a democracy to salt the earth for their opposition as a primer for the followup election?
4/07/2024 - Are the unrelenting identity politics of the politicians on the far-left the heralds of a more identity driven ideology?
3/31/2024 - May the importance of a noun be judged by the protective effort awarded it?
3/24/2024 - Is socialism just for the poor according to our politicians?
3/17/2024 - Why are those who demand a ceasefire in the Gaza/Israeli war not putting any pressure on Hamas to return hostages and stop firing rockets?
3/10/2024 - Should those who lean on Deuteronomy 5:9-10 to demand reparations
for the historic acts of the transatlantic slave trade be forced to complete
the lines by saying ‘but showing mercy to thousands, to those who love Me and
keep My commandments’ in recognition of the efforts of both England and America for putting an end to the transatlantic
slave trade?
3/03/2024 - If discrimination is bad, how can their be 'positive discrimination'; would that not be like someone proscribing a 'healthy poison'? (Oh right, that recently happened)
2/25/2024 - Is 'making war' simply 'State' sponsored terrorism?
2/18/2024 - Why does the 'Government' make it so hard to obey the law?
2/11/2024 - If only males can self-identify as trans-women, then is the patriarchy truly on the path of being relegated to history?
2/04/2024 - What does 'skinny affirming care' look like for people with anorexia nervosa?
1/27/2024 - Why do the allegedly oppressed in the Western World seek salvation from the oppression of their alleged oppressors via their alleged oppressors?
1/21/2024 - Is it possible for the citizenry of Israel to be Islamophobic?
1/14/2024 - Considering the current cost of living, how much were you originally willing to pay to have your child experimented on?
1/07/2024 - Is placing unqualified women in positions of power emblematic of patriarchy or matriarchy?
1/01/2024 - Do you think 2024 will be better than 2023?
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