
 The Awkward Question of the Week (AQW): 2024

 The purpose of this entry is to cause the reader to lift their head from their 'smart phone' and take a look around them at the world in a smarter way. Due to real world recurring events, there may be recurring questions or questions so similar that any distinction is without a difference. 

It is said there is no such thing as a dumb question. Of course there are dumb questions, they are just the easiest to answer... Usually.

5/5/2024 - Do feminists truly want absolute equity of outcome?

4/28/2024 - Are the young women on social media seeking 'Likes' spending their beauty in a similar way to how a lottery winner spends their cash?

4/21/2024 - What would be the political outcome of Israel returning the administration of Gaza Strip to Egypt?

4/14/2024 - Do you feel that it is beyond the pale for a petty tyrant trapped within a democracy to salt the earth for their opposition as a primer for the followup election?

4/07/2024 - Are the unrelenting identity politics of the politicians on the far-left the heralds of a more identity driven ideology? 

3/31/2024 - May the importance of a noun be judged by the protective effort awarded it?

3/24/2024 - Is socialism just for the poor according to our politicians?

3/17/2024 - Why are those who demand a ceasefire in the Gaza/Israeli war not putting any pressure on Hamas to return hostages and stop firing rockets?

3/10/2024 - Should those who lean on Deuteronomy 5:9-10 to demand reparations for the historic acts of the transatlantic slave trade be forced to complete the lines by saying ‘but showing mercy to thousands, to those who love Me and keep My commandments’ in recognition of the efforts of both England and America for putting an end to the transatlantic slave trade?

3/03/2024 - If discrimination is bad, how can their be 'positive discrimination'; would that not be like  someone proscribing a 'healthy poison'? (Oh right, that recently happened)

2/25/2024 - Is 'making war' simply 'State' sponsored terrorism? 

2/18/2024 - Why does the 'Government' make it so hard to obey the law?

2/11/2024 - If only males can self-identify as trans-women, then is the patriarchy truly on the path of being relegated to history? 

2/04/2024 - What does 'skinny affirming care' look like for people with anorexia nervosa?

1/27/2024 - Why do the allegedly oppressed in the Western World seek salvation from the oppression of their alleged oppressors via their alleged oppressors?

1/21/2024 - Is it possible for the citizenry of Israel to be Islamophobic?

1/14/2024 - Considering the current cost of living, how much were you originally willing to pay to have your child experimented on? 

1/07/2024 - Is placing unqualified women in positions of power emblematic of patriarchy or matriarchy?

1/01/2024 - Do you think 2024 will be better than 2023?

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