Monday, January 1, 2024

Reflections, Projections and Other Things

 The Sun is about to set on 2023 and the New Year is about to kick off, this author feels that there will be a flaring of tempers pretty much across globe to varying degrees. The disgruntlements will come from all levels of politics, be it inter-country or in-country there is a large number of very unhappy people and they are not very happy. Ayn Rand put forward the idea that ‘You can ignore reality, but you can't ignore the consequences of ignoring reality.’

 It has been said by many people that 2023 has been the year of the clown, or to put it another way, people are living in an ‘upside down clown world’; and I don’t have any good arguments against this proposition. For me, there are two main reasons for this position: the first being the corruption and bastardization of the language, the second being the installation of the ‘you must help me’ culture, otherwise known as the ‘cry-bully’ people.

 I feel that 2024 will be a year of revolt on a number of fronts and it will be quite ugly in many of those talking points. For quite a few years now the cry-bully people have had social clout and it seems that the old adage of ‘if you give someone an inch they’ll take a mile’ came to fruition, a saying which should be relegated to history. A more current iteration could be ‘if you give someone an inch they’ll take an acre’, as there seems to be a bit of a land grab going on, along with other resources, by fighting age men from foreign lands.

 Many people who claim that they are progressive will make the claim that anyone who raises any concern about these military aged men entering their country could lead to trouble are called xenophobic. This typically leads me to ask these Progressives if the Polish people, the Belgians or the French where xenophobic when the Nazi military machine entered their countries; and for familial reasons I also include the invasion of Finland by the Russian communists. Where those invasions ugly or was it the response?

 I also feel that many people are fed up with the cry-bully people on the subject of self-identification. The problem here is that not only do many people not care how someone identifies they must not be told that they have to at the behest of another. These petty and personal power grabs speak to how weak people feel they are, in days now past, people found self value in their own achievements or they were to busy to raise a ruckus. Most people seem to enjoy the feeling of knowing that they have value, and just as hunger is the best sauce for food you don’t like, that feeling of value will be demanded again and again regardless of the cost to those within range. An animal cornered or hungry is at its most dangerous.

 Staying with the theme of the previous paragraph, some people have a problem in that they would rather ‘go with the flow’ over standing on principle; safety in numbers I suppose. The public Internet, more specifically social-media, has brought a whole new ecosphere to mankind and most people can’t smartly navigate this new landscape.

 The ‘go with the flow’ people see something on social-media and because that Internet Thing got a lot of likes they will try to mimic that video not knowing exactly why people hit the LIKE button; I guess they just like liking the likes. These acts and attitudes amplify the Internet Thing resulting in a growth in popularity causing a spiraling up, or maybe depending on the subject matter a more of a downward spiral. Please look up the Tide-Pod challenge or the Jonestown massacre if you want to see this sort of hive mind mentality in practice. This characteristic of the human mental state has always been evident.

 Capitalism can be defined as a system based on a voluntary exchange of value, especially when one considers scarce resources, and no resource is infinitely available in any given moment. Empathy is a resource found inside people and yet that too has its limit and many people appear to have become tapped out. This was exasperated by the reactions by many governments to the COVID scare. The actions of these governments, especially the lock-downs, gave many people time to lift their heads from the grindstone and take a look about; and a lot of them didn’t like what they saw especially in regards to children.

 Now that the stage has been set, the question to be asked is “what will those who ‘go with the flow’ do when the tide shifts from coming in to going out”; some will ride the new old wave while others stand steadfast in the now not so new thing. As the pendulum swings or the wheel turns, pick your metaphor, will those who continue advocate for the practice of mutilating and castrating children in the name of gender flexibility admit that they may rightly be labeled as Conservative? Remember, nobody wins for ever.

 The catalyst for chaos in 2024 is the US election, and it should be noted that the bedlam has already started with Trump being taken off of the GOP primary ballot in two states. It looks like quite a number of Americans are no longer buying the narratives put forth by many a public figure, once again this seems to be a knock on effect of the words and acts taken in the name of a ‘safe and effective’ response to COVID-19. Post COVID, many people ending up feeling they may have been lied to.

 Additionally, the impacts of mass illegal migration are building and people are taking note and once again there came that feeling of being lied to; and many people do not like that. Part of the problem is that people no longer know what is factual as many NEWS outlets have picked a side and will go as far as they can they can to protect their team. As per the most recent post on this blog, a conspiracy theory becomes conspiracy fact at ever rapid rates. McCarthyism is still utilized to this day as a tool to squash looking closely at a thing, and yet it was eventually reveled that McCarthy wasn’t as wrong and the original Red Scare wasn’t as far off the mark as people are still being lead to believe.

 I hope more people may ‘Be curious and not judgmental’ - Walt Whitman, though I don’t see that happening anytime soon. Sadly, it feels like 2024 will be a year of backlash, and backlash never ends up looking good; may everyone have the best year possible…

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