Sunday, July 3, 2022

Riddle You This...

One of the longest standing and most popular riddles in history is the 'Riddle of the Sphinx'. Tackling a riddle, especially a good one, requires both intense scrutiny, imagination and and and understanding of the language being used. Conjunctions and descriptive language are key aspects of a good riddle. This article will address these key points in an effort to help the reader be a better riddle sleuth. 

A good and proper riddle is, in its most simplest form, the application of Boolean Logic. A conjunction is a word that is used to connect words, phrases, clauses and functions. Boolean Logic is a form of Algebra mainly focused on the relationship of three words, and those being  known as Boolean Operators: “Or,” “And,” and “Not”. Another important aspect of Boolean Logic is being able to separate the objects within the problem, which are the same or different. 

NOTE: This author has only a glimmer of knowledge of Boolean Logic and recommends that if the reader finds this subject interesting, that the reader seeks a higher level of knowledge and understanding beyond the level found in this writing. 

At the most basic level, Boolean Logic may be explained in the following Algebraic expressions:
When A=B, then it must be understood that, or therefore, B=A
When A=B=C therefore A=C and C=B and B=A
When A equals B and B does NOT equal C therefore A can NOT equal C 
After the overly simple expressions above, Boolean Logic become a little bit trickier when one adds in the concepts of "if/else". Couple that added twist with the move towards symbolic representation and by turning everything into an object bereft any subjective considerations, thus leaving only the objective logic in the calculation meaning that every bit of humanity has been discarded and that only two answers are feasible - Yes or No.

  - is the symbol for 'if/or' as in - If A or B are true then the conclusion is true, contrasted with neither A nor B are true then the conclusion is false, yet when A and B are both true the conclusion is still true.

  - is the symbol for 'and' as in - If A and B are true then the conclusion MUST be true, contrasted with the idea of if A is false or B is false then the conclusion is still false

- is the symbol for 'xor' meaning, that the conclusion is true if A is true OR() B is true, but if both A is true AND() B is true then the conclusion is false.  
¬ - is the symbol for 'not' and usually proceeds a variable.
- is the symbol for 'therefore' or the logically conclusion, otherwise known as 'ergo'.

Much like mathematics, there is consideration for order of operations and grouping. The explanations above are not provided to teach Boolean Logic symbols, though that doesn't hurt, the explanations themselves are the intended lesson.

What is this all for, the reader should be asking ask?
In a United States that is now post Roe v. Wade and post Dobbs v. Jackson, there have been two arguments put forth for abortion, which though similar are not the same at all. 

Abortion must be allowed when: the woman's life in danger, rape AND incest.
Abortion must be allowed when: the woman's life in danger, rape OR incest.

Step-1 Assigning variables:
A - Abortion
W - Woman's life*
R - Rape
I - Incest

* Some people name 'ectopic pregnancy' as an important talking point towards the mother's life case, for those not in the know: An ectopic pregnancy occurs when a fertilized egg implants and grows outside the main cavity of the uterus. As far as this author can tell this is not a point of contention by either side, so why bring it up?

Step-2 Sentence#1: The first sentence is to be expressed as where (W and R and I) must all be true to have A as the outcome. This situation would go well beyond Bill Clinton's 'Safe, Legal and Rare' speech from 1992

Step-3 Sentence#2 The second sentence is to be expressed as where one of (W or R or I) is true to have A as the outcome. This situation may imply that the incestuous act was consensual and while this sort of situation is both genetically and social abhorrent, it is a possibility. 

Step-4 Re-injecting the humanity. 
This author now wants to address an item of honesty for the self-assigned name adopted by each side of the topic at hand. It is the opinion of this author that the pro-life side of the argument have named themselves accurately, the pro-choice people also have also named themselves accurately for they want the ability to choose life or to abort and there in lies the problem

Many people on the pro-choice side claim that the people on the pro-life side are speaking through the lens of their theology, which is true to a degree. Atheists abound on both sides of this battle While the pro-choice lobby is majority atheistic that doesn't mean they are not without its own religion, only in their case it is a secular religion , for the fervor and nearly unshakable adherence to their cause equal to  any Bible thumping Evangelical.

This level of polarized thinking virtually eliminates any grey space or chance for finding common ground between the two sides. The public Internet, specifically Social Media, only exasperates the problem as the majority of those who would accept some portion of consideration and compromise by both sides only get exposed to the most drastic of talking points. The Main Stream Media, by its very nature, is not helping in this discourse for much like Social Media, the end goal is to gain public support for their cause, which at the end of the day results in more money for the MSM.

As with any war, this 'culture war', will only be halted when both sides agree to sit down and talk. Of course each side wants to talk from a position of power when the talks kick-off. Much like all wars, the longer this war goes on, the greater the carnage and the stronger the anger all around. 

It is the opinion of this author, that those who wish a middle ground seek that ground, for dying on the hill or in the valley must not be the goal for what does the eventual win or loss count when you are the dead one. For those who prefer to hate your neighbours the outstanding question is this; is the subject matter really significant for the hate you feel and if so, take a pill and chill as the youngsters used to say. 

What has changed in society that people now only talk at each other and no longer with each other?

The Riddle:
'What walks on four legs in the morning, two legs in the afternoon and three in evening?'

1 comment:

IlĂ­on said...

Compromise, or "finding common ground", is not always virtuous. And there is no common ground between the mutually exclusive.

What is the middle ground between, "I wish to kill you" and "I do not wish you to kill me"? Is it, "OK, I will agree to be cut in half"? Is it, "OK, I will agree to amputation of my limbs?"

What is the middle ground between "I wish to destroy your culture" and "I do not wish you to destroy my culture"?

What is the middle ground between "A murderer is *still* a human being and a member of our society, and thus we may not in any case require his life as just penalty for his crime" and "The murder victim is *still* a human being and a member of our society, and thus justice for the murder victim may well demand that we require the life of the murderer as just penalty for his crime"?

What is the middle ground between "A human embryo *is not* a human being, and thus possesses no right to life which justice requires us to honor" and "A human embryo *is* a human being, and thus possesses a right to life which justice requires us to honor"?

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