Monday, July 25, 2022

Fighting the Good Fight

A ‘Culture War’ happens when a society becomes polarized on significant social issues with both sides saying that the other side is philosophically and ideologically wrong. A typical key marker of a ‘Culture War’ is that both sides talk at each other NOT with each other. 

A good friend of this author brought up a great question Friday last, at the time of this writing, by asking - How does one win in a ‘Culture War’ when the other side is so unreasonable? The response in the moment focused on two main topics: non-violence and words. Simply put, politics flows downstream from culture and while politics is important the focus must be on culture, which is where the current problem lays. 

A common line of thinking is that if one person says something, ten people will have thought it and 100 people will agree with what was said. This of course has been skewed in two main ways: the first is social media and the second is main stream media; both of which are housed mainly on the public Internet. 

Continuing on with presenting some simple ideas, war is the last act of diplomacy. Some people of influence and affluence may like the idea and implementation most people hold disdain for the destruction and bloodshed. Low level ideological radicals, otherwise known as useful idiots, can’t be ignored and yet can also not be changed by external forces. The target audience for any culture change must be targeted at those who are just looking for a mostly simply life lacking any significant drama. 

The problem is that some people seek drama and others have drama thrust upon them and the public Internet has allowed, if not promoted, the thrusting of drama. 

There are some people who need to be noticed when one wants to focus on saving, changing or destroying a culture. While there is a plethora of people who have ideas that need to be reviewed when things come to cultural significance, these ones make the top of the list for this author:
Saul D. Alinsky
Yuri Bezmenov
Niccolò di Bernardo dei Machiavelli 
Martin Luther King JR. and by association Martin Luther in part
John Locke

Now that the author has framed the introduction, an apology must be issued because while an attempt will be made towards brevity; it has already been realized this goal will fail with the utmost enthusiasm. 

The meat of the matter…
One of the practices that came out of Jiu-Jitsu is that once you control the head, then you control the body. The head of every culture is the language, hence why the stereotypical Italian hand gestures came into prominence in Naples post the era of Pax Romana as people of different cultures had to find a common way to communicate. So the winner, for now, of this ‘Culture War’ will be set by whoever controls the language. For some of the older readers they may recall the days now past when gay meant happy and when pride was considered a sin. Of course many people would not be happy if the historical meaning of these two words were dragged from an old dictionary and are placed side by each. 

Mr. Alinsky’s most notable book is called Rules for Radicals, which was written in 1971 where he lays down 13 basic action items that would allow for some to effect change within their society. Dear reader, if you think that any of this current social craziness is a recent phenomena – please check your history.  

The action items:
  1. "Power is not only what you have but what the enemy thinks you have."
2.    "Never go outside the expertise of your people."

3.   "Whenever possible go outside the expertise of the enemy."

4.       "Make the enemy live up to its own book of rules."

  1. "Ridicule is man's most potent weapon. There is no defense. It is almost impossible to counterattack ridicule. Also it infuriates the opposition, who then react to your advantage."

6.       "A good tactic is one your people enjoy."

7.    "A tactic that drags on too long becomes a drag."
8.       "Keep the pressure on."
  1. "The threat is usually more terrifying than the thing itself."
10.   "The major premise for tactics is the development of operations that will maintain a constant pressure upon the opposition."
11.   "If you push a negative hard and deep enough it will break through into its counter-side; this is based on the principle that every positive has its negative."
12.   "The price of a successful attack is a constructive alternative."

13.   "Pick the target, freeze it, personalize it, and polarize it."

Mr. Bezmenov was a KGB agent who defected from the USSR back in the 1970’s and laid bare the basic strategy of the Communist party for advancing the spread of communism. This strategy while long and drawn out is pretty simple and comes in four steps: Demoralization, Destabilization, Crisis, and Normalization. 

The KGB and the CIA through association by competition both played the game described by Mr. Bezmenov. Any successful endeavor starts with the understanding that the conservation of energy is the most paramount of virtues. While the good espionage agent may be handed a target, the better espionage agent sees the opportunity to exploit.

The feminists of the 1960s and 1970s took a page from the KGB/CIA playbook when they realized that women, in the post WWII era had lost husbands and sons to war and that many of these women were forced to become the bread winner for the family. With demoralization and destabilization (DD) in the bag as it were, the next step of crisis, needed to be presented and it was by a plea to empathy for all of those poor single moms. The normalization phase has come to fruition in that women were made part of the regular workforce or put on welfare benefits, and by the way any single mom would be eligible. The next double D phase has also already kicked in by the way – when one considers that women are now complaining about pay inequality all the while denying the their lack towards an equal investment in time and effort, all the while still demanding parity in income. 

Author’s NOTE: Never let a good a crisis go to waste, and if you can’t find one – make one, provide the solution by restricting freedom and the people will be thanking you for the solution.  

Machiavelli is for this author a difficult persona to wrestle with because while he is often described as someone with a level of villainy this author sees Machiavelli as the other side of the same coin. Comedy, tragedy and love were all on display on the public stage, though sarcasm may not have stepped out of the shadows at the time of his writing. 

Machiavelli’s The Prince can be taken many ways; while often vexed Machiavelli can be held in vision as either victor or villain. Did Machiavelli write the Prince as an instruction manual to the rich few or was Machiavelli raising a flag of warning to the masses about the rich few who cared not for the masses in their charge? 

Both Martin Luther and Martin Luther King Jr. were both protestors. On a scale of one-to-ten; which of the two was more influential with their argument due to the colour of their skin? 

Mr. Locke (1632–1704) is purported to be a key figure of The Enlightenment that happened in Europe during his life time and this author feels that, that assertion is justified. Mr. Locke brought forth the idea that while a man may own property made of dirt, the ultimate expression of ownership is over there own body. 

Now before the feminists get their boxer-briefs in a knot, two items have to be raised: a) back in the time of John Lock the term ‘man’ meant everyone with an opposable thumb and b) women could vote in England if they owned land, just like it was at the time; the rule was that only men could vote if they owned land. 


The Major Battles of Today:

The first major hill for one side or the other to die on must be the children.  No culture can survive if the children are subverted away from the beliefs of the parents. This battle- ground is mainly focused within the educational system. Excuse the pun, by baby stepping change across many generations this process has been going on for years culminating in what we are looking at today. 

Many people don’t realize just how far this subversion has diverged away from the moral landscape of the child’s parents has gone so far. Many a parent has come to understand just how far things have gone during the school closures due to COVID. During the closures many parents got to see first hand how much the schools have changed since their own attendance. 

NOTE: The platforms Reddit and Twitter have banned the word ‘groomer’ as it is purported to be an anti-LGB+ slur. FYI - a ‘groomer’ is someone who builds a relationship, trust and emotional connection with a child or young person so they can manipulate, exploit and abuse them. Work this out on your own dear reader…

The second hill to die on is the quality within ART; as many cultures are often defined by the arts and artifacts involved. Art is the diverse application of human creativity and comes in many forms such as: pictures (stills or in motion), sculpture, words, music, dance, and architecture.

The Italian word ‘storia’ (pronounced ‘stOrEa’) means both story and history in English. Art in its practice and execution typically tells a story and the stories being told are the passing down of history and by extension the culture. As the stories die so dies the culture. How many cultures have gone the way of the Dodo Bird because their ‘storia’ had been wiped out? 

Consider the statement – ‘At the end of the day everyone pays for sex.’ Sex, as in the act, is a complex subject; typically because the sex acts themselves are just a fraction of the elements involved between parties. Under different situations and with different moods by those involved the expectations typically vary quite a bit. 

Adults bereft of mental defect are assumed to make typically reasoned judgments. What do children, whom are without agency, autonomy and no job, have as payment/collateral outside of their innocence? 

Fourthly is the Law, for once one side looses the Law that one side looses the culture because the balance of power will have taken a drastic shift in what was purported to be a self balancing system. The intent of a representative republic is to normalize the political centre and hold the extremists from either political side at bay. 

Once the Law is ignored or leveraged by one or both sides in this war with great significance and Lady Justice is rendered no longer blind and encouraged to be neither blind nor balanced than it’s time to admit that Culture War crimes are being committed at some level by some people. When – ‘rules for they but not for me’ is allowed to run rampant trouble is afoot. 

Comedy is a corner stone of any society. Much like the historic intent of the NEWS media, comedy lends a level of critic at a society and especially those who do or try to control the society. When you want to understand who does or is trying to control you as an individual or a society; just bear witness to those who don’t tolerate criticism. Take note of the ‘anti’ prefix and the ‘phobia’ suffix.

 Historically, good comedians have pushed the ‘discomfort’ button for many people. The question that comedy brings to the table is – ‘why are you as an individual being made uncomfortable by words?’ or ‘why is a whole society made uncomfortable by words?’ Do the offended not have the ability or confidence to defend their position and if not why not? The answer to the seemingly rhetorical question just now is it that words have meaning and by managing the meaning some can manage people. 

Finally, the last hill to die on for either side is, the WORDS used for day to day common communication. Ideas are best transferred from one person to another by WORDS as the rest of the arts all too easily are made subjective. 

Joseph Stalin once said something along the line of - ‘it doesn’t matter who votes as much as who counts the votes.’ Consider each word to be a vote, and the successful narratives, else known as the adoption of a word’s meaning to be the counting of votes - for he who controls the controls, controls the culture. 

The Path to Peace:
All wars are a matter of attrition and only end when one side or both have taken such heavy losses that they can’t continue. A number of treaties have been signed ending wars or lesser conflicts and some of those treaties were successful and others not. 

The Treaty of Versailles is a clear example of one of the ‘not’ good treaties. The Treaty of Versailles put the designation between WWI and WWII in doubt as it was more of an agreement to stall hostilities while everyone regrouped, refueled and rearmed. 

Battles are won in the field while wars are won at home. Once the peoples of the USA saw the men with torn off limbs returning home they effectively cancelled the war in Vietnam. One now has to wonder how many body parts will have to be removed from children, along with how many people will need to be ‘socially cancelled/gulaged’ out of society will it take before the normal people, the non-combatants as it were, get sick and tired of this current war and put an end to it?

This author understands that this article is a plea to empathy and wants to point out that if people are discussing the health and welfare of children within their society without any empathy for those children, that society is already doomed.

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