The word Theory is an interesting one as it is used as a placeholder for; 'that which not yet been proven', or 'that which has not yet been reveled' though it has, as word recently been abused to mean it is just a misguided fantasy. Every theory does require a certain level of reasoning and critical thinking. The Great Replacement Theory is not a myth, it is just much broader than most people realize. This paper try to stitch together a number of activities to show that the theory may be coming to realization and it is up to the reader to decide.
The current darling of the political Left in regards to Replacement Theory is racially based. This theory has sprung up in mostly the Western countries and the is grounded in the idea that people of European heritage are being replaced by people from Sub-Sahara Africa, the Barbari cost, the Middle East, South Asia, and Eastern Asia. One simply has to look at the migration patterns of humans across the globe that a replacement is taking place though it is not necessarily race based in as much it is culture based. The cultural replacement is the bigger problem, especially if you liked the country you lived in a decade ago.
The Western world, the world of the Enlightenment, is or at has striven to be possibly the greatest exhibition of personal freedom this world has ever seen. to point, Briton banned slavery in the entire Commonwealth many years before the United states of America fought a civil war over it. Yet to this day slavery does still exist in some countries and it is these cultures of the author speaks. It is recognized by this author that many people will move to those countries that embraced the Enlightenment because the culture in their home country was not to their taste. The question the reader should consider is where is that migrant who disliked the culture of their home country to go when they find themselves surrounded by that very same previous culture arrives into their new neighborhood.
Has anyone looked to the numbers of demographic change due to migration and consider if perhaps the word theory can now be dropped. Also, the reader is encouraged to consider and look into who is funding much of this migration.
Moving on...
Another aspect of Replacement Theory that needs to be recognized is the replacement of the family. The familial replacement has been ongoing since the 1960s with intention, in many sectors of society regardless of how one wants to carve up the society has been gutted by the governments, Main Stream Media and the Activists when it comes to the ideas of both fatherhood and manhood. Womanhood has also been under attack because women are now being positioned to be men; via work load and goal seeking. Women were not made free or happy, they were made taxable.
This author will leave it to the reader to decide if men and women are different and for the most part are not entirely interchangeable; this idea is on both the physical and the emotional levels. When small children are are given the option of a doll or truck, the majority of girls go for the dolls and the boys will go for the truck or some other 'thing like' toy. So why is it that a task, any task, when assigned to both sexes the outcome is expected to be identical?
It should also be noted that around this time that what was being lauded as high art was for the most part bereft of the human form. Art began symbolizing consumer goods, shapes and colours. The humanity had been wiped clean from artwork, once again the dehumanization continues. The reader needs to be informed that in Mao's China, the majority of the population were issued grey clothing all of the same style, once again dehumanizing the population.
The famous Mona Lisa was recently defaced by a male climate activist who dressed up as an old lady in a wheelchair to gain front of the crowd access to be able to toss the cake. Miss Lisa is fine by the way due to bullet proof glass.
2001 a Gender Odyssey...
While things in this section were not kicked off in 2001, an intriguing section title seemed called for. The latest step in the Great Replacement Theory is the promotion and implementation of gender re- assignment surgery. The process for boys is kicked off with the application of Lupron®, which is a drug issued to criminals for the purpose of chemical castration as a hormone blocker; this forces the young male's body to halt the production of testosterone. If the process reaches its ultimate goal the primary reproductive organs are removed and the subject of the process is placed on estrogen treatments for the rest of the subject's life.
On the female side, the operation includes a double mastectomy and phalloplasty where a penis and scrotum is created by a combination of muscle and skin graphs. The womb and ovaries are removed during the process. A regiment of testosterone drugs are then prescribed fro the rest of the subject's life.
In both cases the, subject is rendered infertile after the medical process is completed. If the reader is reeling from the mental images created then the next piece of information, many locations that allow these sorts of operations, allow the chemical treatments are allowed to be started before the 'patient' can legally drive a car. Additionally, there are a number of doctors who support this type of work by throwing the pledge to do no harm and shifted to scooping up the approximately $70,000 USD.
Both Carl Marx and Mao were mentioned earlier because they where the proponents of Communism both literally and figuratively. Culture groups like BLM, modern day Feminism, LGBQ+ the Trans lobby, and ANTIFA are all 'progressive' organizations. For this author, the main thing that is missing is the end point to their progression or will things just keep being changed until people will start lopping of limbs such as an arm just because that person's 'identity' can only be satisfied with willing amputation. Also, on the sexual front, involving children might become a normalized common practice.
Some think the great replacement theory is just a dog-whistle for the racially bigoted? It is the opinion of this author that the theory has wider social and culture challenges within the western world.
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1 comment:
Democrats and other leftists here in America have been *openly* crowing since at least 1980 that the "Browning of America" (*their* term) and the day of European-Americans being a racial minority in America is just around the corner.
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