Tuesday, March 26, 2024

Is The Medium Still The Message?

Understanding Media: The Extensions of Man, published in 1964 by the Canadian communication theorist Marshall McLuhan contained the often quoted "The medium is the message", which is the name of the first chapter in his book.

 It is purported that the intent of the line is that what technology is used to convey a message is a foundational part of the message. The ‘experts’ seem to be saying that ‘the science’ says that reading about a ‘thing’ provides a higher level of retention over watching a video about that ‘thing’. The world has changed quite a bit since 1964 as technology has moved forward in leaps and bounds and this is what will be examined here.

 To be clear, the book Understanding Media was not reviewed previous to this writing, and so there may be some misunderstanding. With that now out of the way it is time to explore the public Internet being the medium that is carrying the messages; though a little historical context will be included upfront.

 One of the problems currently facing our culture, and this has happened before, is that many of the strides found in these new technologies are buried in the backend and has allowed people to communicate at new and unprecedented levels, which has caused many people to generally be unhappy. Some of the unhappy people have taken up as such because they don’t like their ideas challenged, ideas that they themselves can’t defend without resorting to ad homonym attacks. Others can be found exhibiting discontent and have taken it upon themselves the task of gate keeping the benefits of our time.

 Mark Twain is reported to have said that ‘History Doesn't Repeat Itself, but It Often Rhymes’ and Mr. Twain was right on the mark. The Gutenberg press and the candle revolutionized the world, for they allowed people to allocate less of their hours labour to self education; Gutenberg’s printing press was built circa 1450 and just to provide context, the Spanish Inquisition kicked off in 1478, lasting around 55 years as the Spanish Royalty and The Church sought to maintain control of Catholic religious messaging. The use of censorship, cancel culture and terms like misinformation and disinformation are currently being applied to the public Internet seemingly has a very similar footprint to the authoritarian acts of the Spanish Inquisition; even if the levels of physical torture have been put aside since those acts that were carried out in Fifteenth century Spain and a few kilometers more.

 Returning to the title of this article for a moment, a simple question must be asked. If McLuhan is to be believed then with Drag Queen Story Hour where a drag queen is the medium to the children hearing the stories then what is the message?  Sit on that as we move forward.

 Mankind is equipped with five senses: seeing, hearing, smelling, tasting, and touching. It must be noted that much like the original five, the sixth sense, that being commonsense can also be rendered handicapped. At the time of this writing the Internet really only stimulates the first two senses in the original list as the ultimate listed sense, touching, is left to the consumer of whatever content they are experiencing at the moment.

Many may see the Internet as: the book store or library, a NEWS paper, a radio, and a television station; but in the end the Internet is simply a metaphorical combination of delivery trucks and broadcast companies; and here is how the trouble gets started. The Liberal party of Canada, under the leadership of Justine Trudeau, is looking to pass Bill C-63 which will allow the government of Canada to manage what Canadians can say and see on the public Internet; other countries such as The USA, England, Scotland and much of the EU are doing the same, both China and North Korea have already been onboard with this idea for years.

 If indeed the Internet is considered a medium and the government is looking to control said medium then how is this not metaphorically and morally equivalent to a Government telling a newspaper distributer which papers they may or may not carry or what shows a broadcaster may or may not air? Of course reality needs to be kept front of mind and certain things need to be managed within the public domain because certain people need to be protected and certain acts must not be normalized. Keeping things short and simple protect the children and don’t allow the normalization of pedophilia; yet within our society some have seemingly have dropped that very simple ball.

 Once again, reality needs to be kept front of mind and certain things need to be managed within the public domain because certain people need to be protected and certain acts must not be normalized. Returning back to the Internet and Bill C-63, the question must be put forward – what sort of person is getting protection and what sort of actions are now seemingly being normalized? Bill C-63 is being put forward as a means and method to protect children from misinformation, disinformation, and hate speech by a Canadian Governments that allow for the castration and mutilation of children; look into Gender Affirming Care for the adolescents.

 The public Internet has become the de facto source of information, both observable and reasoned, thus allowing people to quote content and make assertions regardless if that message is a priori or a posteriori because the Internet never lies. People make choices based on available information, both observed and reasoned; and so when a Government has control over what the ‘evidence’ is, then the truth the whole truth and nothing but the truth will be proscribed by that Government.

 Open public discourse is the crucible where ideas become refined and the truth may be found. Of course lies will also be injected into our public discourse, this is a given as people will always have their personal causes and intentions. Separating the lies from the truths in Canada must be left to me and my fellow Canadians.

"When you tear out a man's tongue, you are not proving him a liar, you're only telling the world that you fear what he might say." 
George R. R. Martin via his character Tyrion Lannister in GoT. 

Monday, March 4, 2024

On V for Vendetta

 Recently I was informed that a young man, who I once tutored in maths when he was a boy was given an assignment in his high school Civics class. This young man was tasked with watching a movie and responding to the question shown below. My friend, the young man's mother, mentioned this to me asking if I knew of the movie V FOR VENDETTA. I decided that the question was worthy of an answer and so I wrote one, and considering my perception on the current social position held by many teachers I'm putting forth my argument on an assumed position held by the teacher. 

Question: What can be learned about the importance of civil engagement from the movie?

Part I - Introduction
‘V for Vendetta’ is a 2005 movie written and produced by Andy and Larry Wachowski based on the graphic novel published by Vertigo/DC Comics, which was written by Alan Moore and illustrated by David Lloyd in 1988. The published graphic novel was based on a series of 1982 single issue comics with titles that mostly started with the letter ‘V’: Vertigo, Vincent, Valerie and The Vacation.

Part II - The Story, SPOILER ALERT
The hero of this story does not start off as the protagonist, though they do get a field promotion right near the end; I did warn about spoilers. Initially and easily recognizable hero is named within the title, and he only goes by ‘V’; brush up your roman numbers if you want to figure out why. Knowing what you now know, understand that V has a personal problem that can only be sorted out via revenge, and as such he is driven to vengeance; or as the Italians like to say – Una Vendetta.

Part III - Answering the Question in two parts
a)                             (Short answer)
In the course of being a participant in a free and open democratic like society, when you don’t participate in civil engagement then someone, or many-ones, will replace your voice and they may drive your society in a way that displeases you.

b)                     (Longer answer – More spoilers)
The movie is at its base a study in the variance of human nature types when a common situation unfolds in front of many people. While the story may come across as a homage to Orwell’s 1984, as it doesn’t really seem to define any actual year or day outside of the one obvious reference. Within the storyline, the movie informs the audience of what it needs to know about the paste so they can understand the present in the film. As such, the audience gets to see the present, hints from the past, and a suggestion towards the future.

 Outside of the self introduction V gives to Evey Hammond at the beginning of the film there are two other quite significant lines in this movie. The first being the recitation of the Guy Fox poem regarding the Fifth of November, which would be about Bonfire Night, and the second being the ‘If you see what I see’ speech. The Guy Fox lines were used to remind the ‘in movie characters’ and the audience that in times of a tyrannical government one should fight although fighting has consequence.  The second speech hints that if you don’t fight, much like the majority of people in the movie, then that too has consequences.

 So, this movie shows that if citizens are NOT willing to help row the political boat then they are letting the social boat open to mutiny and piracy. While V satisfied his urge for vendetta, and he knew that while he was ridding the world of the rot that hurt him, he left it to Evey to carry out the mission. At the end, Evey becomes the hero for she picked up the flag and carried on without V’s drive for vengeance. What the movie leaves out, much to its credit, is who will fill the political power vacuum left by the deaths of Sutler, Creedy, Prothero, and of course V himself. ‘He was all of us’ is the closing line, thus showing V as the symbol of a society nudged too far.

 -- Part V --
Who's to blame? Well certainly there are those more responsible than others, and they will be held accountable, but again truth be told, if you're looking for the guilty, you need only look into a mirror.