Tuesday, February 25, 2025

The Noble Lie(s)


This title was ‘borrowed’ from an interview given by the British historian David Starkey.

 It has been often said ‘the best lie that the Devil made was convincing people that he didn’t exist’ that is the premise of this article.  This world has been bereft with lies and anger since cognition began at the first bite of the apple though perhaps it was a little later after one son killed the other son.  As always, there is the request to the reader to take note of what was going and when it was happening; in short, the rules of years gone past are not rules of today.

Just for clarity, while uttering a lie it is not one of the deadly sins, it is noted in the ninth of the Ten Commandments; which states ‘You shall not bear false witness against your neighbor.’  For this author that Commandment is missing a vital element, which is a part two which reads something like ‘and you shall not bear false witness to your neighbor.’

The list below is neither exhaustive nor complete; it is simply there to set the tone for expanding thinking.  Hint – In Italian ‘Mio domando a te’ means ‘My question to you’, this may crop up from time to time.

 On slavery: The British and the United States of America were the source of slavery has been the narrative for twenty to thirty years, if not longer.  Historically, there has never been a major culture and many smaller cultures that have not engaged in slavery. The Egyptians did it, the British did it,  the Aztecs did it, the Arabs did it, the Maury did it, the Chinese did it, and even the Portuguese did it, at some point in time almost every culture engaged in slavery.

 The slaves sourced from Africa were sold into bondage by other Africans, this was tribe on tribe warfare were the spoils of war was counted in people.  It is estimated that more Africans were sold to the Middle East, probably due to lower shipping costs and yet the population percentage of African descendents in the Middle East is nearly zero; there is a single word answer to this potential conundrum – castration.

 The argument or narrative that also must be put forth is the one about which countries worked hardest and took losses to try to stop slavery.  Please remember that was then and this is now, in 1833 the British government borrowed mass sums of moneis to buy slaves from the owners, a sum which was finally returned in full in 2015.  Possibly the Americans paid the highest price seeing as it was done in blood, an estimated two percent of the American population in 1860, the estimated range is 620,000 – 850,000 and that was just the solders.  It must be noted that other countries joined the anti-slavery movement, including though not limited to: Russia, Germany, Brazil, and France.

 The act of slavery was rebranded into ‘indentured servitude’, which was basically the same thing though it did come with a sunset clause for when the enslaved would be released; my uncle was a victim of this when he first came to Canada in the 1950s.

 ‘My body, my choice’: has been the mantra of feminism for many years now, though the tonality of that statement has been changed over time.  Many American women did not join in with the suffragette movement because they linked rights and responsibility and worried that gaining the vote would ensnare them into the draft; as service grants you citizenship was the name of the game back then, unlike it is today.

  Once an equal voice via the vote was granted without equal responsibility demanded as the responsibility for service was carved out for women, the slippery slope got started; no one at the time though neither knew the length nor direction of just how far that slanting would go.  When the fairer of the two sexes came into play, the world changed for many people as the character of the smothering mother was lifted above the personal and as such it was made manifest for the communities at large. 

  For those not familiar with the term ‘smothering mother’, it has been rebranded as both ‘bubble wrapping kids’ or ‘helicopter parenting’, both of which being terms that might be better understandable for some.  The acts of the ‘smothering mother’ is neglect cloaked in kindness, which makes it so dangerous; for while in the moment, a child may be rendered safe but in the long run that person has no coping skills.  For a parallel comparison, just look to why so many children are now allergic to peanuts.

  Looking back to the original quote for this section, one can see how it promotes a level of narcissism close to that of the ‘smothering mother’, as choices only are owned by the one, while the future needs of the child are ignored.  Yet, the term ‘my body my choice’ doesn’t seem to have any utility when it comes to the protection of, or in support of, other women.  This position seems to be a single issue, single state, and a singular circle Venn diagram where the female bodies and the female choices are limited in other states and as of yet there is quite the lack of decrying on the behalf of women in other lands where the rules are not so open and respectful.  Where were the ‘my body my choice’ proponents when it came to the COVID vaccine?

   Politics, power, and purpose:  Most of the people in the Western world seem to think that politics has to do with the governance or the management of a parish, a province or state, and entire countries; the problem arises when the getting of power and holding onto power are seemingly the only purpose.  Even Mother Nature never holds power for no reason, though it seems that nature is more reactive rather then proactive once one looks at in the larger picture; still, one must wonder at the perfection of such a system that sorts things out over time.  (In this paragraph the word ‘power’ was intentionally confused between meaning ‘influence’ and ‘force’, just to show the flexibility of how words can be shifted.)

  Some context, by which some clarity may be given to this point, no-one seeks power for no purpose and when there seems to be no reason then the reason is probably money; via money people can get what they want and that is simple power.  Interestingly, there is an historical question worthy of consideration: ‘why do so many politicians walk in skinny and walk out fat?’  

 Looking at the poor conditions that so many people in the First World live in, it becomes obvious that the purpose of many in government is simply service-to-self.  Given enough time a fox will get into the hen-house, and even worse, an even more sly fox will get in to the effort of designing the next hen-house, this now seems to be the state of many Western governments.  Based on the deficit spending via the money printing, it should be obvious that the foxes have been building the ‘spending hen-houses’ for quite some time now.

   Is Diversity diverse:  For about a decade the Prime Minister of Canada has said that ‘diversity is our strength’ though what that diversity looks like was never described or numerically qualified and so no-one was given a map or picture of just what the perfect cultural enrichment would look like.  So now, about a decade after that line was put forth we are seeing an infraction against Toronto Municipal Code 950-300B, this would be the one about obstructing traffic on the roads by pedestrians.  And yet, for months now in Canada some streets in some cities have been blocked with Islamic prayer and protest though only when the weather permits.


 Now is the time for a hypothetical that should be tested, how do you the reader assume that the Metropolitan Toronto Police would react if each Christian/Catholic church was to hold Mass on the main intersection outside their respective churches each week; weather permitting of course, the same hypothetical can be done with the all of the Synagogues of course.

 Bigotry: who makes that decision?  In the days of old when times were bold, and those who invaded took over, the winners took control of the people and resources for ever; or maybe not, as no-one invades forever.  Taxes were levied which can be seen as partial slavery, much like what the Romans did with their territories and what Muslims do with the Jizya  tax.  Some problems, such as the amount of snow or rain that falls, can not be fixed; yet when other problems that can be solved though are not addressed, then it must be assumed that when those who can do something don’t, then they just don’t care.  This of course causes the biggest of problems; begging the question - how far are you willing to go to solve a problem and to what length are willing to go to solve someone else’s problem and would they mind?

   The situation that should be noted is that bigotry seems to be inescapable in that always adding ever smaller groups to the list of protected classes means that any given group will compete with some other group to see who ends up being best served by those who signal some sort of virtue and hand out the privileges.

  Please bear with this author for a moment while a political and mathematical exercise is played out to address both bigotry and phobia.  Grizzly bears and Polar bears are in the top 1,000 feared animals on the planet, with humans being number one by the way, yet being bear-phobic is not a thing, and yet when it comes to some people with a certain mindset and/or ideology kill more people than the bears per capita, though a label has be assigned to those who express caution or fear of said persons.  The question then must be put forward as to what is the standard by which people are allowed to be afraid of a thing and then be able to discuss it?

  Conclusion: In the best democracies across the globe the divide between the political Left and the political Right was described as an isosceles triangle with a very narrow base; where the base of the triangle was the list of problems to be solved, thus leaving the people to decide if the left side or the right was the best way to narrow that base, and the list of problems got reduced.  Then after 1945, the base of the triangle was widened, and then it was widened again, sometimes with purpose and so making our triangle obtuse in one direction or the other.

  Forty some odd years or so ago, the political Right worked on managing the censoring of Western societies in order to maintain power, recently or now depending on the country, the political Left is doing exactly the same thing for precisely the same reason; when the political party in power tries to halt the messaging of their opposition then the goal seems to be just the Power that comes with being in charge.  When there is a good idea for the many then that idea will flourish within that society and then it will stay, though who decides what is good is, a completely different conversation? 

  The Noble Lie is basically the ask by some, that the others aught to ignore any posteriori knowledge, which is by the way, otherwise known as knowing something based on a real world event and just go along with the given narrative.  One sample of a noble lie can be found in the phrase ‘Reproductive Rights’ as the act of birth seems to be nowhere in sight when this slogan is brought forth.  Though the act of simulating reproduction as the goal, has now become ‘fucking’ obvious for quite some time, thanks to the Internet, with sites like OnlyFans.COM (online stripping for money).

  The Noble Lie is someone telling you that what you see and hear is untrue and that you have lying eyes and ears; there is one small problem though; by which metric do you measure the breadth and depth of what you see and hear?  The narrative has taken precedence over the facts; usually in the name of doing a good, though all the while the good never seems to have been made manifest when one considers GDP per capita, the number of homeless, along with drug use and drug death numbers.

Thursday, January 23, 2025

It wasn't me, how we got there.

  For many people, their worldview typically expands in proportion to both their brain and their life experiences.  It all starts in the baby phase with food and touching are the only things that matter, then as the baby grows just a bit, clean diapers start to come into play as it is quite uncomfortable for them; of course this is the parents fault as it is the parents who put the diapers on the small child. At this point in human development, the world-view is limited to what the body needs and what the body can touch.

  As mobility improves for the soon to be toddler their worldview expands even further up and into the post the crawling phase.  As the mobility continues to grow many children learn where to forage for food, that would be the kitchen, and to ensure that some of the other items at the lowest level of Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs are secured; some of those items being water, shelter, and sleep.  Physiological Needs, the title of the lowest level, will be revisited later.

  Our sample child is still not capable of knowing how to address the second lowest of Maslow’s layers, Safety Needs, with emotional security being the exception; thus leaving the parents holding the bag on the rest of the items at that level.  The middle level, Social Belonging, speaks of family, friendships, and more.  For the child, this possibly occurs at that point when socialization is thrust upon them by the parents.  Unfortunately, in this the current year many parents offload the socialization aspect of parenting to strangers, TVs, ‘smart phones’, and eventually pre-school followed up by actual-school.  In older times, predating the nuclear family, things were not left to strangers or even just the parents; the multi- generational family did the work, this included the grandparents, aunts and uncles, and even older cousins were involved.  Recalling that Maslow’s Hierarchy describes human needs, it is no wonder that as technology and strangers have invaded and replaced the family, the kids are no longer alright and a higher level of sociopathic behaviour has emerged within western societies.

  David Riedman maintains a database of K-12 shootings from 1966 to present, which can be found at https://k12ssdb.org/all-shootings.  An interesting exercise would be to lay on some additional data; data such as population, per capita GDP, the party of the POTUS, and some historical landmarks such like the ubiquitous spread of TV along with the advent and introduction of social media.

  Regarding the data found in the link above, following data was extracted: in 1966 the number of shootings was 9 with the average for each decade is as follows: for the 1970s - 16.6, 1980s - 22.7, 1990s - 29.9, 2000s - 37.1, 2010s - 52.6, and for the 2020s so far the average is 257.4 as only the completed years were counted with 2024 having 310 at the time of this writing.  The most shootings were at the High-School level, coming in at 61.1%.

  The purpose of any system can be understood by its output, especially when the system’s timeline extends over years and decades.  Of course, while one must always keep in mind ‘The Law of Unintended Consequences’, this concept falls apart when things are going badly and there is no effort towards correcting the course.

  Returning to the mid layer of Maslow’s Hierarchy and that Social Belonging is where the damage begins.  As mentioned earlier, the outsourcing of the socializing children has had ever growing consequences for years now, and for decades many people have been going along with this idea more and more.  Once Social Belonging fails, the Self-esteem layer becomes harder to manifest for the individual; people in this situation are not going to see any respect, any recognition of who they are, and thus they have no ego especially when they are treated as if made of cellophane.

  While K-12 shootings are the low hanging fruit for the MSM, the raise in the number of shooters is not the only signal that something is seriously wrong across society.  Without a personal identity, a person’s EGO presents much like a rudderless ship open to being boarded and commandeered; as such, with a foreign hand doing the steering, many young people ended up with an understanding of themselves that didn’t match who they are; this resulted in lives being ruined due to just how far things went with the invention of trans-gender related bottom and top surgeries.

  Falling under the umbrella of the ‘banality of evil’ is the enforcement of personal pro-nouns with the promotion of Bill C-16 in to law.  The problem with this facet of the Canadian political landscape is that Bill C-16 was done in the name of inclusivity; much like the Affirmative-Action laws down in the USA.  Both Canada’s C-16 and the US’ Affirmative-Action laws are effectively a zero-sum game with a twist; that twist being that one side and one side only has government backing coupled with the access to legal protection, and by extension, inflict legal punishment.

  Sticking with the personal pronoun topic, for some they had the need to assert their off-typical pronouns to make them feel better; an apology to the reader if you can’t determine if the proceeding words were numerically confusing, but that was the point.  This is again an indicator of what Maslow identified as social belonging, because without a solid EGO, the ID will take the upper hand.  Freud saw the danger of a ruling ID when it is left to it-self without a substantive and solid EGO.

  The personal pronoun and gender expression demands are the logical conclusion of an over emphasis on the ID.  Consider the comic book world where people are empowered and then they make the choice of using that power for helping themselves or towards the ideal of helping others; many of the classic stories follow the same story arc; typically the villains were the ones who helped themselves and the heroes were those who helped the ones without power, those being the others.

  The public Internet coupled with Social Media has changed the political landscape as first attributed to Stalin in the form ‘If only one man dies of hunger, that is a tragedy.  If millions die, that’s only statistics’ (Washington Post 20 January 1947).  It is the opinion of this author that on the day of his birth (Friday the 13th) he was born into a society of people who believed in the WE, that was changed into a society of ME around the 1980s, and that then became a society of IT WASN’T ME.  This WASN’T ME narrative is now presenting itself typically in two ways, the softer way is simply playing dodge-ball with a pointed question and the second is to point towards someone else and blame them, other-wise known as ‘throwing them under the bus’; and, when all else fails it seems that there is always “climate change” to fall back on.